MGTOW (#93)
MGTOW (pronounced migtow) is an online community and acronym for "Men Going Their Own Way". MIGTOWs share a belief in male supremacy and the view, that feminism corrupted society. The ultimate goal is to live a life entirely independently from women.
MIGTOWs belong to a group of (mostly online) anti-feminist and misogynic movements like Incels (involuntary celibate) and PUAs (Pick-Up Artists). Although they have a common disdain for what they call feminism, they come to very different conclusions and life designs. The groups themselves use pejorative terms to classify other men, e.g. Betas (in comparison to Alphas), Soy Boys (men with lacking masculinity, derived from the fact that soybeans contain a plant form of estrogen) and Truecels (incels, who are doomed to stay incels forever, e.g. because of ugliness).
What particularly caught my eye is the use of language in their discourse. For example, I encountered a common metaphor of The Pill in analogy to the movie Matrix. It's used to describe different states of enlightenment. If you're red-pilled, you see the "real truth" about women and society. For example, one apparent red pill truth is:
"In the same way that men are biologically polygamous, women are biologically hypergamous."
(No idea what that‘s supposed to mean but: ok cool…?)
Browsing the websites in the manosphere requires some effort, because of the abundant use of abbreviations and metaphors. When I tried to find out about the denial stage of the "5 Red Pill Steps", I came across this explanation:
This is what happens when a blue pilled AFC reads his first ROK article or TRP post.
For clarification: AFC = Average Frustrated Chump, ROK = Return of Kings, TRP = The Red Pill (and apparently also: Tentacle Rape Porn in Japanese erotica, but that's unrelated… I think).
Here’s an infograph displaying this terminology medley as well:
So in true online forum manner: I'm just going to leave this here.1