Googol (#100)
This is fact number 100 and a fact about the number 100. To be precise: the number 10 to the power of 100. This means 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ... for a hundred times.
This number is called a googol and it's huge. Huge in the sense of way bigger than the sum of all atoms in the entire universe. Huge in the sense of not very useful at all – except when you need a name for the most successful tech company in the world.
The word was coined by a nine year old boy, Milton Sirotta, who was asked by his uncle (the mathematician Edward Kasner) to give the number a name. Milton thought “googol” sounded silly enough. Fair enough.
Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin were searching a name for their new company. And having in mind the millions of websites they wanted to crawl, they thought googol would be suitable. And then, when setting up the domain, they misspelled it. That's why Google is Google and not Googol. (Also, originally they wanted to name the company BackRub, because of all the backlinks. Lucky for us we can google words instead of backrubbing them.)
PS: The image is all previous drawings layered on top of each other. It’s almost art.
PPS: Another scientific name for the number 10 to the power of 100? Ten thousand sexdecillion. And the fig-leaf version (fact #99) of it: Ten thousand intercoursedecillion.